Weight | 0.545 kg |
Dimensions | 22.2 × 14.5 × 2 cm |
Product Type | Book |
Author | |
Pages | 334 |
ISBN | 9789675699337 |
Publisher | DCP |
Shi’ism Exposed (H/B)
This book is mostly dedicated to every Shia who is willing to listen to constructive criticism with an open heart and an enlightened mind. This research is, in fact, a survey of the literature about the rise and spread of Shiism and its fundamental principles. Much of what follows is taken directly from Shia sources. The history, ideological background, and threats posed by Shi’ism against the true Islam of our noble Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)are clearly outlined, and the Muslim finds, in them, a warning against falling prey to the calls of the Shi’ites. Also it is a guidance for Shi’ittes to discover reality of Shi’ism to come back to the original faith of Islamic Monotheism.
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Losing My Religion: A Call For Help (P/B)
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This process began among the Greeks whom the Arab armies conquered when they occupied Syria… St John of Dainascus, born fifty years after the Hijrah (precedented) The severe attitude of condemning whatever Muslims believe in. In this Byzantine polemic, the Anatrope, Niceta of Byzantium does not even try to understand the Qur’an before refuting it. It follows that the God of Muhammad is really a devil.
Enemies of Islam, whatever their motives, will always exploit much the same facts, as recently did Salman Rushdies Satanic Verses.
As they (Christians) resented the doctrines of Islam and saw them in the light of their own misconceptions, they inevitably deformed them. Anti-Islamic polemic inhibited any possible empathy with Muslims. The main attack on Islam was already determined in the thirteenth century.
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Table of Contents:
Section 1: The Religious Beliefs of Islam Explained
Section 2: the Religious Duties of Islam Explained
Section 3: Miscellaneous Questions
Section 4: Christianity and Islam
Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood gained an honors degree in Christian Theology from the University of Hull in 1963 and then taught religious studies at various state schools until her retirement in 1996. She converted to Islam in 1986 and now lectures and writes on Islam.
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“God save us from these people,” Yossi Alpher, Israeli political analyst, to CBS 60 Minutes.
“A great expose’ of the strange marriage of convenience between the U.S. Christian Right and Israel. Neither likes the other- but they use one another. It’s not about religion, but about politics. I highly recommend this book for exposing the hypocrisy.” Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, Author-Historian
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PhD in Applied Linguistics (Michigan State University, USA)
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This volume on the role of Muslims in British society very helpfully addresses two concepts about which there is currently much confusion, namely secularism and secularity. The fact that it does this in conversation with some of the other interested parties, namely Jews and Christians, and that it seeks to combine specifically religious, or theological, and political, or social-scientific, approaches, means that it will be of interest to both theoreticians in the academy and practitioners in different areas of society, and it therefore deserves a wide readership. Professor Hugh Goddard, Director of the HRH Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World, University of Edinburgh –Commissioned
The question of the relationship between politics and religion tends to generate more heat than light, especially when the focus is on Islam. This book, with its careful analysis and respect for facts, helps dispel the smoke. It is an invaluable contribution to the public debate, especially in the British context, and will assist people of good will – of all faiths and none – to clarify their own thoughts about ‘the secular state’. Dr. Brian Klug Senior Research Fellow & Tutor in Philosophy, St. Benet’s Hall, Oxford –Commissioned
Struggling to Surrender (P/B)
Struggling to Surrender: Some Impressions of an American Convert to Islam is a very personal account of one man’s search for God and meaning in the midst of a culture that places no value on such a quest. Dr. Lang was brought up as a Catholic and educated in a Catholic school. However, one day he found that his religious belief could no longer provide satisfactory answers to his questions.
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