يضم كتاب (رسائل من القادة) ثماني رسائل من أولئك الذين قد فعلوا الكثير لتحفيز عالمنا اليوم وتشكيله، بدءًا من محمد علي، إلى أربعة رؤساء للولايات المتحدة، وميخائيل غورباتشوف، والملك بوميبول إدولياديج ملك تايلاند، والملك عبد الله الثاني ملك الأردن، والدالاي لاما. ومن كاثي بلاك إلى تي. بون بيكنز، ومورييل سيبرت، ودونالد ترامب. وبعض هذه الرسائل، قد أُعيد إنتاجها من النسخ الأصلية المكتوبة بخط اليد والفاكس، ووضِع في مقدمة كل منها ملاحظة قصيرة عن السيرة الذاتية كتبها دورمان.
أفكار تربوية تركز على توضيح أحوال المتعلم، وطريقة تحصيل المعرفة، فأكد المؤلفُ على صفاء النية، والجدّ، والهمة العالية، ونصيحة المعلم وشفقته على تلاميذه، والورع في حالة التعلم، وما يُورِث الحفظ والنسيان، وما يجلب الرزق ويمنعه.
Buku ini adalah terjemahan Bahasa Melayu dari Hisnul Muslim oleh Sa’id bin Ali Wahf al Qahthani. Himpunan doa dan zikir daripada Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah. Buku ini mengandungi semua jenis doa dalam kehidupan seharian, bermula dari bangun tidur hingga kepada tidur yang berikutnya.
A Pocket size version of the widespread and well-known book FORTRESS OF THE MUSLIM by SA’ID ALI WAHF AL-QAHTANI رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ.
An encyclopedia of authentic remembrances and Supplications that is needed by every Muslim on daily basis, this book is highly regarded and has achieved top recommendations from all eminent scholars across the Muslim world and has been translated into over 75 languages so far.
New and improved edition by Dakwah Corner Bookstore.
This is an enlarged version of the widespread and well-known pocket sized book FORTRESS OF THE MUSLIM by SA’ID ALI WAHF AL-QAHTANI رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ.
An encyclopedia of authentic remembrances and Supplications that is needed by every Muslim on daily basis, this book is highly regarded and has achieved top recommendations from all eminent scholars across the Muslim world and has been translated into over 75 languages so far.
InshaAllah this special edition by Dakwah Corner Bookstore will be a great help for our elderlies, young children and also for those who prefer larger front size to benefit from this beautiful yet extremely important book.
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“And to Allah belong the most excellent names, so invoke Him by them. And leave (the company of) those who practice deviation concerning His names. They will be recompensed for what they have been doing,”
You Can Be The Happiest Woman In The World (A Treasure Chest Of Reminders)
Do you want to be happy? We are all looking for an escape from worry, and depression, and for ways to find happiness. This book presents the route to happiness in a nutshell, drawing on Islamic teachings and the voices of “experts” both western and eastern. So sit back, relax and read it from cover to cover, or dip into it a page or two at a time in between other activities in a busy life as a wife, mother, student or worker.
You are holding in your hands a treasure chest of reminders that will help you learn important lessons and set you on the path to happiness in this world and in the Hereafter, Insha’ Allah.
RM45.00 – RM65.00
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This great book is guidance for all especially the Muslims society in our daily life as it present the ways of dealing with the daily life cycle, accepting the pasts and bracing for tomorrows based on the teaching of the Qur’an and Sunnah
This book is the result of direct research into the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad saw and makes numerous references to the original sources. It contains all the essential details of salah without being too bulky or complicated, thus making it an ideal reference book either at home or while travelling.
A clear and concise explanation on how to pray. Also gives a detailed description of the preliminaries to salah, and different types of salah, with easy-to-follow illustrations.
Change is not an easy and insignificant issue. It needs a deep insight and vision as much as will and determination. It is important here to realize that we can’t achieve all what we want and desire. Furthermore, getting what need and desire may not always be in our interest. This, of course, requires two things from us:
This book book is presented with translation for non Arab Muslims who are unable to understand the meaning in Arabic. This will help them to understand the meaning of these supplications which are taken from the Qur’an and the Prophet’s traditions. This will also help them to achieve an improved state in their worship of Allah.
Enlightening facts about how a merely harmful words spoken that could turn into harmful friction in our daily lives due to our ignorant whereby in Islam there are guidance on how to interact in a society.
Rekindle Your Life centres upon encouragement towards good deeds and noble characters, abstinence from sins by giving reminders in a very beautiful way about Paradise and its delight, the reality of death, turning to Allah in repentance and enlightening faith through inspired, true and wonderful stories from various aspects of life past and present.
John Fontain was raised as a ChrisƟan but always believed in the
concept of One God. In 2006 he started looking into Islam aŌer
coming in to contact with Muslims in West Africa. AŌer studying
the religion he finally embraced Islam in 2008, in Cairo, Egypt. Since
then he has been acƟvely involved in Da’wah work (inviƟng people
to Islam). John also runs his own charity organisaƟon “Volunteer
Sierra Leone” which helps support over 65 Muslim schools throughout Sierra Leone. AŌer researching extensively some of the oldest
scriptures of the Bible he discovered some key points that will
ulƟmately change the way Muslims and ChrisƟans view Jesus and
his Message. All of these points and more will be discussed further
in the book “Jesus & the Injeel…the Untold Story.
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This will enable you to keep track your links and Password for Ebook, whenever you log in to your account. We will keep your personal information private and ensure it is safe.
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Change is not an easy and insignificant issue. It needs a deep insight and vision as much as will and determination. It is important here to realize that we can’t achieve all that we want and desire. Furthermore, getting what need and desire may not always be in our interest. This, of course, requires two things.
30 Hadith for Young Muslims aims to educate children from their tender age with the sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in a fun, colorful, and simplified modern approach.
Unique features such as lessons, discussion corners, and activities make it an ideal teaching tool for parents, teachers and educational institutions.
Its creative presentation invites readers to grasp the knowledge of the noble hadith and apply them in their lives.
Questa ricerca innovativa di un esperto studioso musulmano (délia Bibbia cristiana) mira ad aiutare i musulmani e i cristiani a comprendere la loro fede rispondendo a moite domande teologiche, amare verità, non dette e non rivelate, relative al cristianesimo, alla divinità di Gesü e alie Bibbie.
Forty Hadiths on Leadership and Governance brings forth the stark realities of the leadership crisis in the present era in the light of authentic hadiths. This invaluable piece of work teaches the readers – in the light of authentic hadiths – what a true Muslim leader is like. It can also be every leader’s guidebook illumining the path through examples from the lives of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs and teaching how Muslims can regain their past glory by holding on to the rope of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him).
This pioneering modern classic examines the Islamic principles of kindness and compassion toward animals. It compares animal sacrifice as practiced by the world’s major religions and highlights the ethical issues that the mass production of meat raises, advocating alternative ways to produce halal meat in an appropriate manner.
Do you want to improve the quality of your relationship with the Qur’an? If yes, then this book is definitely for you! Beautifully written, straight from the author’s heart, Into the Qur’an offers comprehensive and inspiring reminders about commandments from the Qur’an and the Hadith, in a way that you can apply to everyday life. Sadaf Farooqi urges you to study the Qur’an and then implement its teachings, regardless of personal whims and desires or traditional customs and practices.
This book is an obligation to every Muslim, both male and female, to attain the knowledge of Islam that is necessary for them in their daily lives. There are many books available on various aspects of Islam in English language, but most of them deal with aspects of general nature.
There are many rulings in Islam that are concerned with Muslim women only. It is the job of every Muslim woman to obtain adequate knowledge of what is addressed to her with respect to her religion.
All these specific issues relating to Muslim women, have been compiled in the book which is in-between your hands, in the form of questions and answers. Each of the questions presented in it, was addressed to world renowned scholars, both of our time and those who have passed away. In turn, the scholars answered them in simple language and concise manner, so that Muslims women may increase their knowledge of Islam and, eventually, become close to their Creator.
Kepribadian Wanita Muslimah: menurut al-qur’an danas-sunnah. Wanita mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam keluarga, masyarakat dan negara, baik buruknya suatu bangsa sangat erat kaitannya dengan baik buruknya wanita. Wanita muslimah berbeda dengan wanita-wanita lainnya, ia mempunyai kepribadian yang ideal dan karakter yang istimewa, karena islam telah memberikan petunjuk dan ajaran bagaiman semestinya wanita muslimah dalam kehidupan ini, ia harus bisa memainkan perannya agar ia menjadi orang yang berguna bagi dirinya, keluarga, masyarakat dan bangsanya. Dalam buku ini, penulis menjelaskan bagaimana seharusnya wanita muslimah terhadap tuhannya, terhadap dirinya, kedua orang tuanya, suaminya, anak-anaknya, saudaranya, teman-temannya, tetangganya, dan masyarakatnya, sebagaimana yang diajarkan dalam Al Qur’an dan Hadits-hadits nabi. Ini semua beliau kaji dengan luas dan mendalam, lalu dituangkan dalam bahasa yang mudah, lugas dan jelas. Oleh karena itu buku ini pantas dimiliki dan dibaca oleh setiap wanita muslimah yang ingin menjadi sosok wanita muslimah sejati.
In light of the past, with hope for the future,Muslim-Christian Interactions: Past, Present, and Future addresses a subject that is vital to the 21st century. It provides an in-depth study of Islam and Christianity, taking an analytical approach to their respective edicts while comparing and contrasting them. It offers an investigation of religious concepts with respect to logic and scientific knowledge, and considers the true role and mission of religious figures of both faiths. With a past full of oppression from leaders of both faiths, against their respective doctrines and principles, Muslim-Christian Interactions sorts out the truth of what these religions really stand for. It looks at the manner in which Muslims and Christians have interacted in the past and present, in order to draw lessons for the future.
Now more than ever, it is crucial for Muslims and Christians to seek a path of mutual understanding, allowing compassion for fellow human beings to prevail over divisive politics and views. In the wake of false propaganda against Islam, the author seeks to correct the misconceptions that abound regarding Islam and Muslims.
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RM5.00 – RM100.00
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When you’re looking to gift a group of people something valuable, yet meaningful, it can be really difficult to find something that works, especially if you’re wanting your present to have an Islamic touch.
RM27.00 – RM55.00
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✔1 panel frame
✔Material : 440gsm Tarpaulin dengan kemasan frame kayu
✔High Quality Printing : 1200dpi
✔UV Ink untuk image yang lebih kemas
✔Warna yang menyerlah dan tahan lama
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✔2pcs hook dipasang di bahagian belakang
✔Frame Saiz : 24 X 5inci
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