[AR] Jami`al-Durus Al-`Arabiyah (جامع الدروس العربية) (الوان)
For a translation to do justice to the Quran and capture its elegance and vigor, it has to be accurate, smooth, eloquent, and accessible. Unlike most popular translations, The Clear Quran masterfully passes on all counts.
Children Of Their Time
Our time contrasts with any previous era, as changes go faster and faster; and the future will be more unlike anything that has passed. Our children will live in a world essentially different from ours! The swift changes at the technological level are reflected in changes at each level in life.
The work-market is likewise witnessing such unexpected changes that any young person will need to receive innovative and creative ways to just find a suitable foothold in it. And this is what I try to provide in this book, for helping any educator or interested person.
In the company of the Prophet – God’s Chosen Messenger
Here are some moments of contemplation over some of the bright episodes of the life of the prophet Muhammad. Thus, it is hoped, will lead to amore through appreciation of the guidance power of each of the situations portrayed in the work.
For rules, this biography is reference of justice , equity, and humility. for scholars , it is a road map on how to deliver knowledge most efficiently. For preachers, it shows the methodology of how to appeal to the others. Similarly, husbands can use it as a basis for the ideal treatment of the wives. Thus , everyone finds guidance in the biography of the Prophet whom God has designed to be the best exemplar of good behavior.
My Daughters
It is a unique educational book addressing the female gender espe cially the girls. Despite the small size of the book, it is rich in religious advice, and each chapter directs a phase of the girl’s life with more attention to the adolescence. It provides real experiences of life for some girls for the others to learn and benefit from.
This book is a good reference for the reader, be it the girl itself, a mother or anyone who is seeking to know the instructions, guidelines and good manners that a Muslim woman should follow. And this based on the texts of the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh). It also includes some poetry of the Arabs, real stories, and international statistics.
My Enemies, I Thank You
This book Consists of a number of integrated articles, which were written over the course of many years. It presents a general view of a personal experience in life. It deals with disagreements, conflicts and how we should cope with them. It calls for unity, coexistence and constructive criticism, as it is a sort of wisdom to exercise patience with those who argue with you and to apply God remedy, which is to respond with what is better. We should not be harsh with those who resolved themselves to hate us, since they are a part of God destiny and they taught us how to listen to harmful criticism without becoming embarrassed. Those people are the source of our self-control, as they taught us not to be taken in by flattery. Certainly, they grant us virtues, that we don’t attain simply through good deeds, but by exercising patience, satisfaction, tolerance and forgiveness.