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Mushaf Waqaf in Makkah and Madinah Project


Mushaf Waqaf in Makkah and Madinah Project

There is no doubt that rewards are multiplied at certain times and places as the Prophet (PBUH) have mentioned in many authentic Hadith. For example, the rewards of good deeds are doubled in Ramadhan and on the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, and prayers in the two Holy Mosque of Makkah and Madinah are multiplied thousand folds.

We have noticed the interest of Muslim pilgrims and visitors since the ancient times in taking this opportunity of doubling their rewards throughout their stay in the Holy land of Makkah and Madinah based on this principle. They have engaged in recitations of the Qur’an and pondering upon it, performing voluntary tawaf, offering voluntary prayers, doing extra charity works and other acts of worship prescribed by God Almighty.

Among the noble deeds by Pilgrims is the endowment of mushaf in Arabic as well as its translations in the Holy Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque, taking advantage of the Muslims’ preoccupation with the Book of Allah during the period while seeking the satisfaction of their Creator in the purest spot on the globe.

Dawah Corner Bookstore Makkah branch is now introducing its new service of the endowment of the Mushaf in the Holy Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque via an e-gateway in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the affairs of the Two Holy Mosques:

1- The Qur’an should be printed from King Fahd Complex in Madinah

2 – and to be placed in the places reserved for the Qur’an.

3 – with a clear seal (Waqf Lillah).

Now with this new e-service, everyone can perform the endowment of Mushaf in the Holy Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque whenever they want and from wherever they are. Dawah Corner Bookstore will handle all the process onsite on your behalf and provide you with photographs and documents according to your needs for your record and for accountability purposes.

Simply log into our website, to choose your preferred Mushaf type and its quantity. After checking out, you will receive the details of the transaction in your mailbox. Please note that the price of the Qur’an Mushaf will be adopted at the market value at the time of the transaction.

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Divine Speech

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The Quran, the sacred scripture of Islam, is revered as the spoken word of God by approximately one-fifth of the world’s population. Since its inception, the power of the Quran has derived not only from its message, but also from the inimitable literary style and rhetorical impact that the Arabic scripture has on its audiences. Divine Speech: Exploring the Quran as Literature attempts to make some of the most recent Arabic and European-language scholarship on its literary features accessible to a wider, English-speaking audience. These features include its language and word choice, its use of figures of speech and other rhetorical devices, its manner of narrating parables and stories, and the structure, coherence, and the order of its “chapters”-aspects that typically remain mysterious to readers of English translations of the text. Divine Speech furnishes its readers with a better appreciation of the Quran from a literary perspective, and in the process stimulates interest in, and provides tools and resources for, further study of the scripture.

Al-Adab Al-Mufrad

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Al-Adab Al-Mufrad

This lofty statement of the best of creations and the one who Allah revealed the Final Message to all of mankind through, indicates one of the primary objectives in which Islam was revealed for which is to call upon its followers to achieve high moral standards and conduct.
Every time Allah commands the believers to perform an act of worship, He draws their attention to its moral significance or its positive effect on the individual and society. Examples of this are numerous and include the following:
“Establish the prayer, for the prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds.” (Soorat Al-‛Ankaboot,29:45).

وقف مصاحف في الحرمين الشريفين


مشروع وقف مصاحف في الحرمين الشريفين

لا شك أن الحسنات تتضاعف أجرها في الزمان الفاضل والمكان الفاضل حسب الأدلة الشرعية الثابتة ومنها على سبيل المثال مضاعفة الأجر في رمضان وعشرذي الحجة وفي المسجد الحرام والمسجد النبوي .

انطلاقا من هذا المبدأ، لاحظنا اهتمام المسلمين قديما وحديثا من معتمرين وحجاج وزوار مكة والمدينة التحري في مضاعفة الحسنات والأجر طوال فترة مكثهم في بلاد الحرمين من قراءة القرآن وتدبره والصدقات والطواف بالبيت والنوافل وغير ذلك من العبادات تقربا بها الى الله عزوجل ,

 وأيضا من الأعمال التي يقوم بها المسلمون وقف المصاحف الشريفة والمصاحف المترجمة في المسجد الحرام والمسجد النبوي مستغلا انشغال المسلمين بكتاب الله في مهبطه و الانتفاع من تدبره وفهمه ؛ طلبا رضا خالقهم في أطهر بقعة علي الكرة الارضية ,

ففرع مكتبة ركن الدعوة بمكة المكرمة (شركة مكة ) تعلن خدمة تيسيروقف المصاحف الشريفة في المسجد الحرام والمسجد النبوي آليا عبرالموقع وفق الضوابط المقررة من رئاسة شئون الحرمين ألا وهي :

1- أن يكون المصحف مطبوعة من مجمع الملك فهد بالمدينة 

2- وأن يوضع في الأماكن المخصصة للمصاحف .

3- مع وضع ختم  ( وقف لله تعالى ) واضح .

والآن مع هذه الخدمة الالكترونية يمكن للجميع وقف المصاحف في المسجد الحرام والمسجد النبوي وغيرهما من المساجد متى ما أرادوا ذلك و اينما كانوا .

وبهذا تتشرف فرع مكتبة ركن الدعوة القيام بذلك نيابة عنكم وتزويدكم بالصور والمستندات حسب احتياجاتكم للحفظ والضبط ,

ويمكنكم اختيار نوع المصحف وعدده وحجمه مع العلم بأن قيمة المصحف سيتم اعتماده على نفس قيمة السوق في ذلك الوقت ,

تقبل الله منا و منكم صالح الاعمال

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Saheeh International The Quran : Arabic Text with English Meaning – Big


The Quran Arabic Text with English Meanings ” Saheeh International” Meaning and Notes by Noor International

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Motivational Moments II


Motivational Moments brings you a compilation of 500 of the best quotes by Mufti Menk; the most popular quotes liked or shared by YOU, from his Facebook and Twitter accounts.

His empowering words instil hope and patience in people across the globe daily. They have been translated into many languages.

Migo & Ali : Love for the Prophets


This delightful hardback book contains stories of the prophets, from Adam (as) to Muhammad (saw). These stories are concise, and told in engaging, child-friendly language. A question and answer session after each story is also unique in its style, depicted as a conversation between the two lovable characters. Ali pretty much asks Migo the questions that will be on your child’s mind!

Al Aqidah Al Wasitiyah (2 Volumes)

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A detailed commentary/explanation of the famous writing of Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, al-Aqeedatul-Wasitiyah, done by the noble Shaykh, Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (Rahimahumullaah).

Two  volumes contain a detailed study/explanation on the topic of creed/aqeedah (belief in oneness of Allah).

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An Introduction to The Sciences of The Qur’an (H/B) Al-Hidaayah UK


An introduction to the Sciences of the Qur’aan presents a detailed and thorough explanation of the sciences related to the history, understanding and implementation of the Qur’aan. The book provides the English reader with a detailed analysis of classic Muslim scholarship regarding: the process on Inspiration (Wahy); the various means of classifying verses of the Qur’aan; the history of the compilation of the Qur’aan; the meaning of the seven ahruf and the ten qira’aat of the Qur’aan; the miraculous nature of the Qur’aan; the concept of abrogation in the Qur’aan; the procedure and methodology of tafseer; and many other topics. The work has a number of sections dedicated to explaining the traditional Muslim refutations of certain belief of the Ash’arees with regards to the Qur’aan.

This book also includes detailed discussions on modern Western scholarship of the Qur’aan. After presenting a history of the English translation of the Qur’aan, along with a critical review of some translations, the author discusses and refutes common Orientalist polemic literature on the Qur’aan.

The work is unique in that it presents classical material in a simple and modern style, while maintaning a hight academic level. It is the most advanced work of its kind in the English language, and a necessary reference for all serious students of Islamic knowledge.


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