Sharia, Fiqh and Jurisprudence

Sharia, Fiqh and Jurisprudence

(Showing 145 – 153 products of 153 products)


Transformed by Worship: The Tarbiya Effects of Ritual Worship In Islam


Worship is an act of submission and glorification of God. In His wisdom and mercy, God designed worship to be a dynamic force in human life. We discover in the rituals of worship—purification, prayer, zakah, fasting and Hajj—elements that empower our holistic development and reform our communities. Through worship, we are transformed. Transformed by Worship lays out the textual evidence and scholarship around Islam’s essential acts of worship, extracting the impact on our individual and collective lives. This study explores worship through four lenses in turn: the soul, character, mind and body. Readers will learn how to restore vibrancy to their worship while developing a deeper appreciation for the routines and rulings of Islam. This work is translated from the original Arabic volume Al-Athar Al-Tarbawiyah lil-Ibadat fil-Islam.

Understanding Ramadan


This book covers important aspects regarding Ramadan. The book is a collection of Ahadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, with guided translations. The topics which are covered are Fasting, Salat at-Tarawih, Lailat Al-Qadr and Itikaf. Also, the section of two Eid Prayers and the chapter on Sadaqat Al-Fitr are included for the thematic purpose. This book is a must-read for all.

Universal Laws The Sunnah of Allah (Awakening)


This world and everything in it, including plants, inanimate things, animals, human beings, heavenly stars and all that which ensues from these existents – what relates and occurs to them – and all cosmic events, such as rainfall, wind, eruptions of volcano, the alternation of day and night, and all that which happens to man in terms of happiness and wretchedness, pre-eminence and fall, ascension and decadence, strength and weakness, continuity and collapse and the like – the existence and occurrence in the universe of all the aforementioned do not happen by chance nor at random.

Rather, all this takes place and happens according to a precise, immutable and unfaltering universal law from whose rulings nothing escapes.

This book details such universal laws and divine norms.

War and Peace in Islam : The Uses and Abuses of Jihad (P/B)


Written by a number of Islamic religious authorities and Muslim scholars, this work presents the views and teachings of mainstream Sunni and Shi’i Islam on the subject of jihad. It authoritatively presents jihad as it is understood by the majority of the world’s 1.7 billion Muslims in the world today, and supports this understanding with extensive detail and scholarship. No word in English evokes more fear and misunderstanding than “jihad.” To date the books that have appeared on the subject in English by Western scholars have been either openly partisan and polemical or subtly traumatized by so many acts and images of terrorism in the name of jihad and by the historical memory of nearly 1,400 years of confrontation between Islam and Christianity. Though jihad is the central concern of War and Peace in Islam: The Uses and Abuses of Jihad, the range of the essays is not confined exclusively to the study of jihad. The work is divided into three parts: War and Its Practice, Peace and Its Practice, and Beyond Peace: The Practice of Forbearance, Mercy, Compassion and Love. The book aims to reveal the real meaning of jihad and to rectify many of the misunderstandings that surround both it and Islam’s relation with the “Other.”


“A dynamic myth-busting clarification of the real position of mainstream orthodox Islam on the whole question of violence and jihad.” —T. J. Winter, University of Cambridge

“This is the best book on the subject in English. It will be of inestimable value.” —Shaykh Mustafa Ceric, Grand Mufti Emeritus of Bosnia

Worship In Islam: An In-depth Study of Ibadah, Salah and Sawm (P/B)


Worship in Islam is in-depth study of the nature and significance of Islamic spirituality by Abul A‘la Mawdudi (1903–79), one of the leading Muslim intellectuals of the twentieth century, with special reference to the concepts of God’s Oneness (tawhid), the finality of Prophethood (risalah) and the Islamic system of worship (‘ibadah) with a focus upon prayer (salah) and fasting (sawm) and their role in the development of the Islamic personality and Islam’s social order. The distinguishing feature of Mawdudi’s approach is his elaboration of the social dimension of worship, which extends the traditional approach found in Islamic jurisprudence, with its focus upon ritual and self-purification, to consider worship’s transformative role in social life. Presenting a holistic view of the Islamic system, Mawdudi highlights Islam’s social, economic and political dimensions, which he argues has the capacity to resolve emergent issues and problems that humankind faces.

This historic text should be of wider interest to both students and specialists in contemporary Islamic thought, and includes an introduction by Professor Anis Ahmad.

Edited and translated into accessible English by Ahmad Imam Shafaq Hashemi, this book is an authoritative compilation by a leading Islamic twentieth-century revivalist on the central matter of worship’s role in Islam.

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Wudoo’: The Prophet’s Ablution


Wudoo’: The Prophet’s Ablution is a small yet comprehensive book aimed at conveying authentic knowledge of the manner in which the Prophet purified himself for prayer. The attributes of the Prophet’s ablutions are detailed fully, such that the reader is given a clear mental picture, as if we were witnessing the Prophet actually making wudoo’. This book is based on sound narrations from the Messenger of Allah, and the author takes care to include differing opinions and their evidence. From leading us through the wudoo’ step by step, to addressing the things which nullify the wudoo’, the Prophet’s Ablution offers necessary guidance, so that by perfecting our ablution, this purification can truly “wipe away our sins.”

Zakah According to the Quran & Sunnah (Darussalam)


Zakah, the third Pillar of Islam, is probably the first Pillar of its economic system. It represents the first and most important mechanism to implement economic justice and to provide sustenance to the economically unfortunate, two issues for which Islam is especially sensitive. These two issues are the essence of this book. This book consists of all the main issues of Zakat (i-e, Zakah on Gold, Silver, Paper Money, Livestock, Fruits, Grains, Rented Land, Buried treasures, Minerals, Trade, Shares, Stocks, and Exploited Assets etc). The main objective of this work is to serve an easy and authentic reference to the reader.

RM46.00 RM36.80

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