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[MC] Wujud Allah / وجود االله بالدليل العلمي والعقلي


:في كتابه (وجود الله) يؤكد الدكتور “محمد نبيل النشواتي” على وجود الخالق بالدليل العلمي والعقلي. ويعرض عددا من المعجزات القرآنية العلمية والمادية، ويناقش ويقارن بين رأي العلماء

RM75.00 RM63.75

[MM] Kayfa Tahaqqaqa Najahak WatastamtI’ Bil Rihlah / كيف تحقق نجاحك وتستمتع بالرحلة ؟


ابدأ رحلتك مع “ساحة الكتب” مع الدليل الشامل لتحقيق الأهداف والتغلب على الصعاب “التي ستواجهنا عند خوض التحديات وعبور تموجات الحياة” لكتابة قصة نجاح.

RM85.00 RM72.25

Human Right in Islam – DCB


This work argues that contemporary human rights schemes, especially the extreme and vocal branches, offer no convincing reasons for a Muslim to give up tenets of his faith to bend them to meet their demands. On the contrary, these schemes’ baseless claims should strengthen a Muslim’s conviction in Islam. Human Rights Advocates have a noble goal of bringing people the rights they deserve, but they are lost and confused, lacking a foundation for their claims. After examining the human rights paradigm, a Muslim should flee quickly and return to Allah, realizing that without the guidance of the Almighty, there is no hope for humanity.

RM65.00 RM52.00

Purification of the Soul – DCB


For a number of reasons, this is a very important time to be writing a book of this nature. First, the concept of purification of the soul as a whole is and always will be central to the message of Islam and to the welfare of humans, both in this life and the Hereafter. Indeed, it was a main mission of the messengers and prophets themselves.

RM80.00 RM64.00

Relating Stories of the Prophets from Adam to Muhammad – DCB


This book unveils the captivating stories of the Prophets and Messengers meticulously chosen by Allah to illuminate the path of humanity. Grounded in the Qur’an, Hadith, and the teachings of revered scholars, this book presents a lucid and accessible narrative, encourages contemplation and introspection, and empowers readers to extract enduring wisdom from the life stories of the Prophets.

RM66.00 RM52.80

The Complete Forty Hadith of Imam an-Nawawi


Imam an-Nawawi assembled his collection of forty-two ahadith together with the absolute minimum of fiqh and commentary necessary for people not to misunderstand their import.

RM65.00 RM55.25

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