Motivational & Manners

Motivational & Manners

(Showing 121 – 132 products of 282 products)


Excellence of Patience & Gratefulness

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This book is written to highlight the necessity and the pressing need to pursue these two qualities and to illustrate that happiness in this world and the Hereafter is dependent on them. It is intended to be a comprehensive, extensive and useful book.

Family Leadership – Qawamah

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This book discusses in details family leadership (Qawamah) in Islam and the many misconceptions that arise around this concept. It provides a detailed analysis on the subject from a variety of available literature and emphasizes that it is primarily an obligation to be fulfilled on part of the husband toward his family. It also provides many practical examples on the appropriate use of Qawamah as well as its inappropriate use.

“….an extremely valuable springboard for further discussion and consideration of a most timely topic that affects every Muslim family in North America. As a Muslim with a doctorate in clinical psychology, it is my professional recommendation that every mosque and Islamic center in North America should use Dr. Beshir’s new book to lead in-depth study and discussion sessions about the role of family leadership within Islam.” – Jerald F. Dirks, M.Div., Psy.D.



Father The perfect gift to give a loved one or indeed to educate oneself as to the significance Islam places on this important relationship through relevant Qur’anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.

Example Quotes from GiftBook: .

And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. And if one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them, but address them in terms of honour. And, lower to them (out of kindness), the wing of submission through mercy, and say, My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy, as they cherished me and brought me up when I was small.


Protecting me from all the dangers that be That was your fatherly duty, But the time you invested in advising me Is more than anyone afforded me. Your strength was not in brawn but in diplomacy, I always felt safe in your company. You were the glue that kept everyone together, InshaAllah in Paradise we’ll live happily forever.

Ideal gifts to convey what we sometimes find difficult to say through relevant Qur’anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.

Fear The Temptations Of This Dunya This Worldly Life


This book covers an aspect of knowledge that is both noble and important in that it discusses abstinence of the worldly life and carries a warning from ever being infatuated with it, competing for it, or allowing it to become the main concern of oneself or an ultimate objective. Whoever finds themselves as such will be significantly harmed by it, and it will be the reason for his demise and prevention from all that is good.

Festivals & Celebrations In Islam

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Festivals and celebrations are occasions of joy and happiness. They have their distinctive spirit in all societies and cultures, and are eagerly awaited and heartily welcomed by everyone.

The feeling of excitement associated with these occasions, however, causes people to introduce uncommon, strange or even bizarre practices during them.

Islam regulates the occasions to be celebrated and the methods of celebrating them. It maintains their atmosphere of happiness, while redirecting

This book discusses the two annual Islaamic festivals: Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adhaa as well as the weekly Jumu’ah. It presents the Islaamic guidelines for celebration according to the Quraan and Sunnah, and warns against innovated occasions and un-Islaamic festivals.

In addition to topics that are standard to ‘Id celebration, such as the ‘Id prayer and khutbah, and ‘Id pastimes, this book discusses zakat-ul-fitr, the sacrifice, the blessed days of the month of Thul-Hijjah, and numerous other ‘Id-related issues.

The broad and thorough discussions in this book make it an important manual and complete reference on festivals and celebrations in Islam. Indeed, from Allah (swt) we seek help and acceptance.

Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness


Fiery Ambitions – by Allah’s permission – has been a spectacular jolt of strength and optimism for many Muslims across the globe. Through it, you will be infused – Allah willing – with pride in your religion as well as in the unrivalled inspiring personalities who adhered to it throughout history. You will read about the princes of piety, the sages of scholarship, the chiefs of charity, the captains of courage, the authorities in altruism… and the secret to becoming one of them!

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Friend The perfect gift to give a loved one or indeed to educate oneself as to the significance Islam places on this important relationship through relevant Qur’anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.

Example Quotes from GiftBook:

You will see the believers in their mutual kindness, love and sympathy just like one body. When a limb complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever. (Bukhari and Muslim)

I love for you whatever I love for myself For we are inextricably linked by faith Ideal gifts to convey what we sometimes find difficult to say through relevant Qur’anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.

From my sisters’ lips

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Covered from head to toe with only her eyes visible, the sight of a Muslim woman on a western city street rarely fails to provoke a strong reaction. Feelings of shock, horror, repulsion, pity or even fear are not uncommon. But have you ever wondered who it is behind the veil and what makes her tick? Ever wondered what her life is really like and whether her dreams, hopes and aspirations differ from yours? From My Sisters’ Lips offers a rare glimpse into the lives of a community of women, most of whom are converts to Islam, and invites you to share their joys, sorrows, convictions and faith.

When Na’ima B Robert abandoned her western lifestyle and embraced Islam six years ago, it was not a decision taken lightly. Yet soon after she took her first tentative steps towards covering, she felt empowered; no longer judged on physical appearances alone, no longer seeking the approval to feel beautiful – or using her looks to wield power over men – the experience effected her greatly. Before long she grew in confidence and courage. As she says, ‘Something just clicked. I thought, “Good, don’t look; don’t compare me with your latest squeeze, don’t try and guess my measurements – my body is my own business!”‘
From My Sisters’ Lips offers a glimpse into the lives of just some of the extraordinary women who, like herself, have chosen to live behind the veil. What emerges is a vivid and intimate portrait of a sisterhood; as they speak candidly and with conviction on a diverse range of subjects ranging from marriage to motherhood, stereotypes, submission and self-image, we hear the strong, proud voices of those who are seldom heard.

Gardens of Purification

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Paths to Asceticism, Purifying the Self. Conditioning the Heart, Symptoms and Remedies. Beauty of Patience, Pardoning and Avoidance

Gems and Jewels

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This book is based on excerpts and passages collected from many books written by the scholars of Islam. The wise sayings, interesting events, logical deductions, intelligent approaches, admonitions, moral lessons and teachings etc., have been compiled to
give the readers the opportunity of knowing what the great personalities of Islam have been doing in their life and how their character has been an example for us to follow.

We hope that the presentation of Gems & Jewels will be a continuing process, and we will be compiling and publishing one volume after the other providing the readers gems and jewels from our glorious history.

The writings in this series will be of equal interest to all Muslims whether they are children or adults, and similarly they will gain a lot of virtues, develop good character patterns, and adopt intellectual behavior in their lives. Because of the usefulness of the series, we are planning to produce it in other languages also so that a majority of the Muslims may be able to benefit from it. We pray to Allah for the success.

Abdul-Malik Mujahid

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Ghibah (Backbiting) : The Root Cause of All Evil : The Commands and Prohibitions of the Shariah


Islam is a religion of peace, love, and compassion. Lies, suspicion, backbiting, slander, vain talk — all these are anathema to Islam. Indeed, such negative activity sows the seeds of enmity among the people and ultimately brings about the downfall of society. Backbiting (ghibah) in particular, according to the Qur’an, is not just a common social evil, but rather an abhorrent act, a major sin — the equivalent of eating one’s brother’s flesh.

Numerous ahadith of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) also underscore the complete futility, extreme loathsomeness and grave consequences of the deliberate misrepresentation of others. Backbiting, by the unanimous rulings of religious scholars (ijma) is forbidden, so that anyone who indulges in it is guilty of serious wrongdoing. Yet people have no qualms about engaging in this practice, flouting all prohibitions and strict commands.

Drawing upon important source material on the subjects of backbiting, false accusation (bhutan), and related issues, this book highlights the need to keep our society free of his ignoble malaise. To this end, it elucidates the relevant commands and prohibitions of the Shari’ah, so as to create in the minds of its readers a deep awareness of the sinfulness and ill effects of calumny.

By Shakil Ahmad Khan and Wasim Ahmad


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