What You Weren t Taught In Sunday School explores seven different aspects of Christian history that are typically not known by the Christian laity. In the first chapter, the centuries-long arguments about the contents of the Christian Bible are brought to light, as well as the fact that Christianity has never agreed as to what actually constitutes either the Old Testament or the New Testament. The second chapter details how Paul of Tarsus corrupted the message of Jesus Christ and how he was frequently at violent odds with the earliest form of Christianity as taught by the Jerusalem Church of James the Just and the actual disciples of Jesus. The third chapter explores the shocking Biblical history of Holy War and genocide. Chapters four and five narrate a number of Biblical curiosities and some of the changes that have been rendered to the Biblical text over the centuries, changes that occasionally result in a clear distortion of the original text. Chapter six presents the portrayal of Jesus as found in Jewish and Islamic literature, while chapter seven debunks the erroneous myth of the Christian foundations of America. Taken together, these seven chapters expose the reader to those aspects of Christian history that certainly aren t taught in Sunday school.
What You Weren’t Taught in Sunday School
Weight | .590 kg |
Dimensions | 23 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperbound |
ISBN | 9781590080696 |
Publisher | Amana Publications |
Pages | 345 |
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