Allah says: {This day have I perfected your Deen – Religion – for you, completed My favours upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your Deen– Religion.} (Qur’an 5: 3)
{… Take what the Messenger gives you and refrain from what he forbids you.} (Qur’an 59: 7)
The Prophet (SAW) said: “Whoever introduces into this affair of ours something that we have not commanded it is to be rejected.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Thus, Innovations-adding new rituals, methods, inventing regularised set ways and certain beliefs, must not be entertained. The Prophet has clearly said: “Every newly invented matter (in religion) is bid’ah and every bid’ah is dalâlah dalâlah is in the Fire. (Tirmidhi)” going astray, and every This booklet has discussed very efficiently the fallacies of bid’ah – ovation – and convincingly pleaded not only to avoid it but also try to stop wherever it is possible.