Weight | 0.60 kg |
Dimensions | 23 × 16 × 1 cm |
Binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 9789675062971 |
Pages | 231 |
Publisher | Islamic Book Trust |
The Jewels Of The Quran ( Al-Ghazali’s Theory) (IBT)
This work, a translation of Imam al-Ghazali’s ‘Kitab Jawahir al-Qur’an’, contains his views on several broad problems relating to the study of the Qur’an, in which various parts of the Qur’an are comprared to various types of valuables, such as jewels, pearls, rubies, red brimstones, corundums, etc. The book also carries translation of over 1500 verses which al-Ghazali calls the jewels and the pearls of the Qur’an. This classification is unprecendented in the history of Qur’anic studies, presented here in free-flowing modern English which makes the work scholarly and enjoyable.
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Sejajar dengan tujuan program My#QuranTime yang disiarkan di TV ALHIJRAH Iaitu mahu menjadi platform solidariti ummah mempelajari asas bacaan al-Quran, Tadabbur dan Tazakkur, maka lahirlah naskhah lengkap: NOTA MY #QURANTIME sebagai panduan lengkap buat mereka yang cintakan al-Quran.
NOTA MY #QURANTIME Juzuk ke-2 ini lebih istimewa kerana di dalamnya terdapat lebih banyak perbincangan yang dikupas secara menyeluruh. Antaranya ialah:
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- Satu buku, satu juzuk
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- Nota ringkasan yang padat tapi mudah difahami
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The Spiritual Cure An Explanation to Surah al-Fatihah (P/B)
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some of the Salaf stated that when this chapter was revealed, Shaytãn l let out a great cry of lament.
It holds a central position in the daily Prayer hence the daily life of the Muslim.
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It calls us to carefully scrutinise our relationship with our Lord: are we living according to the dictates of ‘none has the right to be worshipped save of Allah’ or not? This opening chapter, despite its brevity, calls man to fulfil the rights of Tawhid, the right that Allah has over us to worship Him Alone without any partner
A Summary of numerous Classical Commentaries of the Qur’an
at-Tabari, al-Baghawi, Az-Zamakhshari, ibn Atityyah, Ibn Jawzi, Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Qayyim, Ibn Kathir, as-Suyuti, Alusi, ash-Shawkani, as-Sa’di, ash-Shaqiti and many Others
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Pure, unblemished monotheism combined with sincerity in belief and deed defines the relationship with Allah. Hi is one and only true God, unique, without peer, equal or opposite, and nothing is like on to him. He is the one who stands in need of nothing whereas everything is in dire need of him.
Maintaining the essential Muslim identity and character defines the relationship between the Muslim and his fellow man. The Muslim is unambiguous about his religion, truthful and upright in speech, deed and his dealings with those around him. Hi is proud of his faith and has unshakable conviction in it. He loves his lord, his Messenger and the Muslims and is loyal to them. Because of this, the dearest thing to him is his religion and he will not compromise it, pleasing Allah comes before pleasing the people.
The prophet would frequently recite these two chapters in prayer because of the commonality of their theme and to stress that success is achieved, in this life and the next, by internalising their message and living by it.
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Sejajar dengan tujuan program My#QuranTime yang disiarkan di TV ALHIJRAH Iaitu mahu menjadi platform solidariti ummah mempelajari asas bacaan al-Quran, Tadabbur dan Tazakkur, maka lahirlah naskhah lengkap: NOTA MY #QURANTIME sebagai panduan lengkap buat mereka yang cintakan al-Quran.
NOTA MY #QURANTIME ini akan diterbitkan sebanyak 30 juzuk, yang mana setiap juzuk mempunyai sebanyak 230 hingga 300 halaman.
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- Nota pilihan daripada penonton
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- Nota ringkasan yang padat tapi mudah difahami
- Peta infografik berwarna yang dapat membantu pemahaman pembaca
50 Reflections On The Quran
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Tafsir Al-Jalalayn (set of 2 vol)
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Treasures from the Noble Qur’an (Tafsir of Select Verses from the Mighty Book)
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