The orientalists have been studying the seerah of the prophet with a view to casting doubt and raising suspicions and discrediting the life and personality of the Prophet (saw). Their approach has evolved over the period of time. At times they have been vicious in their attacks as was the case in the 18th century which with time during the 19th and 20th century became seemingly sympathetic to his life. This study by Dr Mohammad Mohar Ali critically analyses the works of three famous orientalists, William Muir, D.S Margoliouth and W. Montgomery Watt. Dr Ali refutes the charges levelled by them against the life and character of the Prophet (saw) with an erudition which the treatment of such a subject requires. This work has been selected by scholars as culturally important. This book has remained out of print and circulation for a long time, therefore, It has been reproduced from the original artifact and it remains as true to the original work as possible. You will see the original copyright references, library stamps and other notations in the work. As a reproduction of an artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant, marks etc. Scholars believe and we concur that this work is important enough to preserved, reproduced and made generally available to the public. We appreciate the support of the preservation process, and thank for you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
The Biography of the Prophet (Sirat Al Nabi) and the Orientalists – 2 Vols
Weight | 1.5 kg |
Dimensions | 23.5 × 16 × 4 cm |
Pages | 510 |
ISBN | 9789388850377 |
Author |
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