(E-Book) Children’s Problems (Successful Family Upbringing Series-05)


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Ridding children of their psychological disorders, altering their behavior, and changing their habits are complex matters – and they are so in view of the wide differences between children with regard to their responding to the same therapy; we educators are also diverse with regard to our culture and situations. From this we go on to say that educational guidance can work well with a certain child, but not with another. I am often consulted about children’s problems, and I do give my advice: but I am sometimes surprised to hear that the inquirer has actually tried the same method I was suggesting, not only once, but frequently: some say that their child’s condition actually deteriorated rather than improved after applying the recommended method. Therefore, it is crucial that we have more than one approach in store for dealing with any problem; for we may need to try all the methods to help the child get rid of his/her trouble, from which they suffer, and maybe the family suffers as well.

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