The Principle of Love and Desire
The Principle of Love and Desire is one of Ibn Taymiyyah’s many important works on ‘aqidah. In it, he explains how love is the basis of every movement that occurs in the universe and every action of Bani Adam. He explains that love necessitates hate for the things that oppose what one loves, and that this love and hate is the foundation of Islam, tawḥid, and īman. He also discusses the many sects that strayed from Allah’s straight path due to their misunderstanding of this fundamental principle.
Advice Regarding The Book of Allah (Authentic Statements)
Various important topics are covered in this book; such as the miracle of the Qur’an, unclear verses in the Qur’an, healing from the Qur’an, contemplation of the Qur’an, the jinn who heard the Qur’an, the failure of those who tried to emulate the Qur’an, and many more. Hasan al-Basri said, “A person will say: ‘By Allah, I have recited the entire Qur’an and I have not neglected a single letter’; while in reality he has neglected the entire Qur’an. The Qur’an cannot be seen in his manners or his actions.”
Extraordinary Occurrences From the Allies of Allah By Imām al-Lālikā’ī
Imām al-Lālikā’ī narrates extraordinary events that occurred at the hands of the Allies of Allāh from the previous nations, the companions, and the second and third generations
Sulaymān ibn al-Mughīrah said, “’Abū Muslim and members of the army crossed the Tigris River and its strong tide ripped the ship apart; thus, they lost some of their possessions. ‘Abū Muslim began walking on top of the river, and he looked back at his companions and said, ‘Did you lose anything so we can supplicate to Allāh, the Exalted, to return it?’
One Hundred Pieces of Advice
One hundred treasured advices extracted from the writings of the illustrious scholar, Imām Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allāh have mercy upon him): Ten ways to acquire Allāh’s love Ten ways to be patient and avoid sins Ten ways to be patient during a calamity Ten benefits to lowering your gaze Ten ways sins are expiated Ten barriers between the slave and his Lord Ten reasons knowledge is not put into action Ten ways to open your heart Ten ways to protect against envy Ten ways to protect against the plots of the Shayṭān
Selections From The Garden Of The Wise And The Meadow Of The Virtuous
Ibn Ḥibbān (d. 354 AH) stated concerning this classical work:
“I clarify in this book that which will beautify for the wise person the practice of praiseworthy characteristics and make the practice of reprehensible characteristics seem ugly while intending to refrain and abstain from persistently increasing in these bad qualities, to lighten the load for the bearer and enlighten the ear of the listener. And because of the various narrations and verses of poetry that will be mentioned in this book, the one who strives to study each chapter in depth will wish that they would never end. And whoever refuses to reach completeness and success is, in reality, accepting inadequacy. Allāh is the Granter of success and the Guider to integrity. And I ask Him for rectification of the soul and a pardon from punishment of sins. Indeed, He is the Most Generous, Noble, Compassionate, and Merciful.”
The author bases this work upon what is found in the Qur’ān and authentic Sunnah, and upon the statements of the Salaf of this nation.
The Bounty and Favor in Concise Notes on Usul As-Sunnah
Shaykh Abdur-Rahman Muhyudeen said:
The treatise is regarding the foundations of the correct creed, since Imaam Ahmad, may Allaah have mercy upon him, is the Imaam of the Sunnah in truth; and he needs no introduction, for he is the well-known cultivating Imaam; the figurehead of the well-known juristic school; he clarified that out of sincere advice to the Ummah and to fulfill the trust. It is a treatise which aids the beginner in understanding the foundations of the magnificent Islamic religion, since it enlightens him to the teachings of the religion and its fundamentals, and it is a reminder to the seasoned one.
Tafsir Surah Al Kahfi