Ibn Zabr Al Rabi

Ibn Zabr Al Rabi

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The Final Words of the Scholars at the Onset of Death


Final words of Scholars at Onset of Death, Ibn Zabr Rabi (379h) [#6546 1T2 PB 140pp, 24@7A4, 0992813673, Dar Al-Arqam, moving narrations regarding final moments, Pro] The author has collected in this work a moving selection of narrations regarding the final moments of the Prophets, Companions and the scholars from amongst the early generations. Provided through this are their final testaments, words of wisdom and reflections at the coming of death. Covering The Final Words of about 65 Friends of Allah. Including: Adam (AS) Nuh (AS) Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) Fatimah Bint Rasulullah (RA) Hasan Al-Basri (RA) Ibn Sirin (RA) Imam Abu Hanifah (RA)

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